Our Passion for Design
The Passion to Do or Make Something
Our passion is focused on an activity. We believe it is possible to make something out of nothing. We do, see, touch, compose, arrange, construct, manipulate. This passion is very hands-on and mechanical. Its drive is orderly, methodical, systematic, and directional.
The Passion for Beauty and Appeal
Our passion is focused on beauty and appeal. We believe it is possible to do whatever it takes to create or develop something of beauty. We select, feel, sense, compose, arrange, construct, manipulate. This passion is very emotional and feeling. Its drive follows the senses, the intuitive, the inspiration with an eye always on the ultimate outcome — beauty and appeal.
The Passion for Coherence
Our passion is focused on resolving tensions, typically between the need for beauty concurrently with the need for functionality. We believe it is possible to resolve these tensions. We think, analyze, reflect, organize, present, resolve, solve. This passion is very intellectual. Its drive is meaning, content, sense-making, conflict resolution and balance.
Our passion for these is, nonetheless which motivates our creativity and sustains our attention long enough to get something done for our clients to fulfill their desires.